N00bs. A FuelRats Cartoon
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Rattatoon for The FuelRatsN00bs. They always get it wrgno wrong, by Uvelius Sång

The Fuel Rats are by itself an anachical collective, and for good reasons, as our founder Surly Badger explained in an interview to me. Still, there is a technical hierarchy with ratTech and access privileges to prevent total chaos. And there are Drills.
A Rat that wats to be assigned to rescues on a regular basis is asked to do a Rat Drill to earn it's tail (and Dispatchers have their corresponding Spatch Drills). Well and having to be drilled sort of asks for a cartoon, does it ...
Logo credits go to the great Father Cool
Copyright notice: If you wish to use Rattatoons or parts of them in publications about the Rats, even in commercial press releases as long as they are part of a press release about the FuelRats (CC 3.0 by), feel free to do so. That’s what they are for (if you think they are appropriate that is). CC 3.0 nc-nd-by otherwise. Yet please drop me a note so i can enjoy seeing them dancing
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