3303 Leaderboard: Gongage in action
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The great Father Cool created the Fuel Rat roundel, which was extended with small symbols for different achievements: The Dispatch Hat, Code Red Rescue O2, the 3301 for first year's Rats, the Epic Laurel, ...
... a black drop for 100 resuces each, a coronet for 500 and finally a crown for 1.000 rescues.
The Rat Cave showed a leaderboard with the number of "first limpets" each Rat had accomplished, plus the achievements of each Rat. The following is a capture of the Leaderboard in 3303, with Father Cools roundels and gongage used by RatTech to show each Rat's achievements (Epic laurels were added later for clarity). The leaderboard itself is still continued in the new Rat Cave, though it is currently stripped of all symbols.
CMDR | Rescues | Achievements |
CurbinBabies | 472 |
kilo363 | 409 |
Zatie | 342 |
Bold Mole | 337 |
Ravenov | 334 |
Gridwolf | 305 |
Termite Altair | 255 (6/3304: 1476) |
CrunchyBaton955 | 234 |
Dystopia | 231 (6/3304): 1170 |
esxste | 230 |
Paul Kavinsky | 225 |
Falcon JSDF | 223 (6/3304: 1199) |
zeel | 222 |
RadLock | 200 |
Jindrolim | 194 |
HOR5EY | 184 |
DarDevel | 161 |
Cpt_Shinobi | 161 |
carneous | 143 |
John Slow | 128 |
Stasis W0lf | 122 |
Zetsuko | 119 |
Jim Wolfe | 116 |
Vent Aileron | 115 |
Deelkar | 112 |
Ma7hew | 108 |
Stinja | 104 |
Aitken | 104 |
Raptorpilot | 101 |
Kafka | 100 |
XxPoP ShockzxX | 100 |
Lazrien | 100 |
Lansing-Gant | 97 |
DerryBear | 93 |
Harkon_fry | 93 |
RidgeRunner | 92 |
Cookiehole | 91 |
rex1973 | 89 |
Prodirus | 89 |
Sly killer 9136 | 89 |
Edmondson | 88 |
Helitony | 87 |
Tom X | 87 |
fixiehearts | 85 |
DigitallyBorn | 83 |
borbra | 82 |
Pistou | 80 |
Clapton | 79 |
Kerenn | 79 |
SteamPriest | 78 |
AlexBrentnall | 77 |
Stormspike | 76 |
Calomiriel | 75 |
Carlin 2148 | 71 |
Ceska Zbrojovka | 69 |
Lazarus Hypernova | 68 |
Uvelius Sång | 67 (now: >130) |
Frisky Weasel | 67 |
sar875 | 66 |
Nathan Burns | 64 |
Kestril | 64 |
Syn'ta | 63 |
Jdude1 | 62 |
ioha | 62 |
Matthew Vance | 62 |
Stillian | 62 |
Domaq | 62 |
Lapotor | 60 |
Mangel | 60 |
StokeMeAClipper | 59 |
Marenthyu | 58 |
Ghosted Strat | 56 |
Zimz | 56 |
Ozei | 54 |
Loetmichel | 54 |
Rusticolus | 54 |
SYL779 | 53 |
Alec Turner | 51 |
Renardine | 51 |
Frescador | 50 |
Epic23 | 50 |
sudpuzzer | 49 |
Antarctica01 | 49 |
Alexander Bruce | 48 |
Cyber-KN | 48 |
TunaOfSpace | 48 |
Sapporo | 47 |
AwkwardLifeguard | 46 |
Golf Delta | 46 |
Pyry | 45 |
Logan Aigaion | 45 |
Fatalution | 45 |
D0lphin | 44 |
Watar | 44 |
Alex McArrow | 44 |
Guiitar Man | 44 |
mommothazaz123 | 42 |
ArcTrooper1773 | 42 |
Precursor | 42 |
Oberyn_ | 42 |
DeltaCentauri | 41 |
Dragonsbreath | 41 |
Ai J Davis | 41 |
Ratasum | 40 |
One Arbiter | 39 |
Arrakaij | 38 |
Zman9600 | 37 |
R. Jurah | 37 |
CHAUCER | 36 |
Jonathan Latimer | 35 |
Nexus | 35 |
Absolver | 35 |
Ethan MacAllister | 35 |
Goemba | 34 |
Hansa | 34 |
Remyzero | 34 |
Steamlined | 33 |
Minty | 33 |
VaKU | 33 |
oohshiny | 33 |
BEUMER | 33 |
Gabirtaro | 33 |
Andrew Creeves | 33 |
Zoss0 | 32 |
Alot | 32 |
Ground Stop | 31 |
F1rools22 | 30 |
Imrahil | 30 |
Redshift | 29 |
Wesrin | 29 |
AOT Gemini | 29 |
Amolin | 29 |
John Magellan | 29 |
xlexious | 28 |
FreakierBrandon | 27 |
HopelessWarrior | 27 |
Yujo Kameida | 27 |
that-ginger-gamer | 26 |
Orehound | 26 |
Tradam | 26 |
Rainboom | 26 |
SoliDeoGloria | 25 |
RubberPsycho | 25 |
Tyrope | 25 |
Elpidelon | 25 |
MirSar | 25 |
The DeBator13 | 25 |
Cogenerate | 25 |
Zer0Skill | 25 |
Sky Guy | 25 |
Iados | 25 |
ObiStonedKenobi | 24 |
Hexamian | 24 |
Big Bill Coch | 24 |
LeapusGames | 23 |
PFL Georgia | 23 |
Eleventh | 23 |
xKHxEliteKiller | 23 |
Majorbash15 | 23 |
Mohingan | 23 |
demfloro | 23 |
Spidey dmd | 23 |
Adanaran | 23 |
augustl | 22 |
Malevolent | 22 |
Jiriakel | 22 |
Meatballs21 | 22 |
Anuranium | 22 |
Lelapa | 22 |
Jimmyy | 22 |
ELA | 21 |
Blood Drunk | 21 |
Mike 'Ziggy' Lucas | 21 |
Tankyou | 21 |
Kleptoe | 21 |
BDC | 21 |
Eeeyore1961 | 21 |
Blue Jade | 21 |
Shao Daar | 20 |
Stern Winter | 20 |
The Other Ace | 20 |
MasterLoon | 20 |
JierdaStormcrow | 19 |
jaschish | 19 |
Caroline H. | 19 |
Aguri | 19 |
nagy | 19 |
Ragnascot | 19 |
Gaaaaaaar | 19 |
THE ARMED 501st | 19 |
Stymean | 19 |
Bizzarre | 18 |
P Fraser | 18 |
macho mans soul | 18 |
gxs | 18 |
Rupok | 18 |
Killerdriver101 | 18 |
Oshava | 18 |
clysm | 18 |
Uncappingbadger | 18 |
Muffindrake | 18 |
Wretch | 18 |
Varyar1G | 18 |
turtlehermitgmg | 17 |
Metagon | 17 |
Berk | 17 |
Lokda Babybel | 17 |
Silmar | 17 |
Lawrence Crawley | 17 |
MacSubhine | 17 |
SleePyHollow150 | 17 |
Aesculon Phaia | 17 |
Nightstrider | 16 |
Javeh | 16 |
IAmFatAndLazy | 16 |
Mr. Beta | 16 |
Fentia | 16 |
Duc4tti | 16 |
alaric damien | 16 |
Geech MD | 16 |
VerYINky | 15 |
Josef DeLaurel | 15 |
hillbillypolenta | 15 |
Aylja | 15 |
ArcanumRelevante | 15 |
Rebecca Hail | 15 |
MIchaelcf1 | 15 |
AlexRusich | 15 |
Mila Strelok | 15 |
Teddy Stuffing | 15 |
Anticept | 15 |
Echo Raven | 15 |
PF_Cactus | 14 |
Vaelel | 14 |
KFSM | 14 |
Nicou | 14 |
One Eyed Eskimo | 14 |
Li Jin | 14 |
Andaeron | 14 |
MrOpposite | 14 |
ChefTig | 14 |
ArbitraryCoder5 | 14 |
Illyrie | 14 |
Nerixel | 14 |
Sigma207 | 14 |
Lavo | 14 |
Kastia | 14 |
MilDawg | 14 |
Sunbart | 13 |
Not Scott Manley | 13 |
Messier82 | 13 |
.Stryker. | 13 |
TheThingIs | 13 |
Kooplah | 13 |
Huott | 13 |
evitalet11 | 13 |
Brackenridge | 13 |
Philbourne | 13 |
Zilfallion | 13 |
Silence Leigh | 13 |
Annun | 13 |
Blazener | 13 |
Father Cool | 13 |
DustRisen | 13 |
spanielz | 13 |
xel-fer | 13 |
DelayedReaction | 12 |
Kathryn Reith | 12 |
Kuzomisery | 12 |
Saal | 12 |
ElectricZ | 12 |
Astrobleme | 12 |
MajWoops | 12 |
Sh1nyTh1ngs | 12 |
venum4k | 12 |
Jovian Hull | 12 |
FlamingBunny23 | 11 |
Broken_Biscuit | 11 |
Phosej | 11 |
Doom2508 | 11 |
Murrey Mint | 11 |
Keinta15 | 11 |
GJGeraldy | 11 |
Jand | 11 |
waterlubber | 11 |
BjornTHV | 11 |
Pownyan | 11 |
Malkravon | 11 |
Dewin | 11 |
SGTdewitz | 11 |
Fullmetal1212 | 11 |
RockSlice | 11 |
Halosos | 11 |
Zarlor | 11 |
Aleena | 11 |
Drake Arson | 11 |
Kouchkiller | 11 |
Theone Smith | 11 |
Lataruz | 11 |
Fox Carignan | 11 |
Salad | 11 |
gianogav | 11 |
Darth Leahcim | 11 |
Delta RC 2526 | 11 |
Mantorix | 10 |
spankythegit | 10 |
Tigger889 | 10 |
EGMC | 10 |
Doomathuin | 10 |
The Division | 10 |
Ximok | 10 |
Sharpedo | 10 |
Primal Muffin | 10 |
AtzLee | 10 |
Orange Sheets | 10 |
Tsalmaveth | 10 |
PBz Charlie | 10 |
Xanisselis | 10 |
burwellian | 10 |
BlazeKnight | 10 |
Wafflez | 10 |
deathkin | 9 |
Resti | 9 |
Roach8725 | 9 |
_Albuca_ | 9 |
Kahou | 9 |
Subroto | 9 |
Alessa Leon | 9 |
Scenicus | 9 |
Napalm420 | 9 |
Nis Randers | 9 |
John Rutherford | 9 |
Atmosphere 01 | 9 |
Ebato | 9 |
Stryker | 8 |
PNK Ozymandius | 8 |
Vakiwey | 8 |
HJ26HAP | 8 |
P'ahr Iyah | 8 |
Olivia Vespera | 8 |
FinalGen | 8 |
juggienot123 | 8 |
Kesy | 8 |
Dubyahite | 8 |
Delvan | 8 |
Drk Angel | 8 |
Otterpilot | 8 |
MintyMonkey | 8 |
DarkTyphoon | 8 |
AlKhalil | 8 |
Erro | 8 |
WizardZombie | 8 |
DaniSeeh | 8 |
Sentosa Erata | 8 |
Yravka | 8 |
Ellais | 8 |
BladeEdge545 | 8 |
TuntematonSika | 8 |
HalcyonStorm | 8 |
temporalflux | 8 |
HARV420 | 8 |
Karu Moonbear | 8 |
Lone_Wolf_7 | 8 |
Sylthar | 7 |
Mambushki | 7 |
splorkt | 7 |
AnakinSpain | 7 |
Kugwits | 7 |
xboxfreak24 | 7 |
Space Iguana | 7 |
DerStr0lch | 7 |
StevieMJH | 7 |
p4nzerdivision | 7 |
Ignis Draconis | 7 |
Vizat | 7 |
TheDeadMan00 | 7 |
Feuermagier | 7 |
CooL SpoT | 7 |
Tovey-Ansell | 7 |
starcoaster | 7 |
IlIDustinator | 7 |
Flank | 7 |
Orphius | 7 |
Kiyser | 7 |
Kelazeth | 6 |
Escapac | 6 |
Mjoln | 6 |
Nyxiss | 6 |
geneSW | 6 |
Torminious | 6 |
Kay Mnumen | 6 |
Phidora Eclase | 6 |
DesertoftheDesert | 6 |
AeRoStAtIc | 6 |
Zoneras | 6 |
Chalkie | 6 |
A. Pollo | 6 |
almaz5200 | 6 |
Fred Heisenberch | 6 |
Ray Vostok | 6 |
TennesseeStyle | 6 |
pr0per | 6 |
Cobiah | 6 |
Lasher | 6 |
R3negadeSpartan | 6 |
Dardanus | 6 |
Piku Piku | 6 |
DrToxic | 6 |
R.E. Deemer | 6 |
Raymanic | 5 |
Puzzle Plate | 5 |
Doc Slow | 5 |
bedhead95 | 5 |
RainValkyrie | 5 |
Spaph | 5 |
Ringers | 5 |
SlothDemonZ | 5 |
Newfieskidd | 5 |
Jack Corban | 5 |
ArmaDolphins | 5 |
comanda j | 5 |
StarmanXVII | 5 |
Uhh Wow Rofl | 5 |
TactcialMoose | 5 |
xxxxDITTOxxxx | 5 |
RealDB | 5 |
Daldrin | 5 |
ThrottleFox | 5 |
Zak Starfall | 5 |
darkxana | 5 |
Necro heth | 5 |
Wugro | 5 |
Zach ONe X1 | 5 |
lowranker | 5 |
Ballantin | 5 |
Kassandra | 5 |
Uberfish | 5 |
Tall Bird | 5 |
Bootleg | 5 |
RalfGabriel | 5 |
Satsuma | 5 |
PeaceFrog71 | 5 |
Torminious | 5 |
Zeo | 5 |
IOnceWasATeddy | 5 |
Alex Traut | 5 |
Festicle | 5 |
Abbey | 5 |
Mr Riddle 101 | 5 |
LoliYens | 5 |
lorwp | 5 |
MrDarkie | 5 |
chieloos | 5 |
Rage Mode Vinyl | 5 |
BeDoomed | 5 |
Thoughtless | 5 |
wildc4rd[PC] | 4 |
SSGjugg3r | 4 |
Scout Maggs | 4 |
Morphenox | 4 |
Kazera | 4 |
Hypern0ir | 4 |
MortifiedShadow | 4 |
d3vnull | 4 |
Johnathan Shepard | 4 |
MrPingzero | 4 |
Lenecro | 4 |
Bartho1omeus | 4 |
Phinox | 4 |
Mach!ne | 4 |
roflcoptr | 4 |
ZatZockt | 4 |
Futeki Kumori | 4 |
Sne1ly | 4 |
CombatBotanist | 4 |
adrianfc2010 | 4 |
AaronC63 | 4 |
Civalo | 4 |
EpicusMouse | 4 |
TheZohan | 4 |
FrenzyGr | 4 |
t3mp0ralflux | 4 |
D Rendar | 4 |
Laeton Fidomor | 4 |
aT^c | 4 |
LuckyJack | 4 |
Hella | 4 |
Arbitration | 4 |
Suicune | 4 |
Fisty the Clown | 4 |
alsatian | 4 |
Neil Alderson | 4 |
SubLevel CMF | 4 |
W. Wilson | 4 |
Sire Draken | 4 |
Saints944 | 4 |
RayderBlitz | 4 |
Seamus Donohue | 4 |
sudorc | 4 |
Slimm | 4 |
Sushix | 4 |
Peed6hai | 4 |
Split | 4 |
Zaitzev | 4 |
DiscoveryOV | 4 |
Hawkeye_connormouse | 4 |
Toraas | 4 |
Pueblo | 4 |
Surly Badger | 3 |
AlvissSAnguin | 3 |
Chris Sagittarius A* | 3 |
Rogers of 1984 | 3 |
EValve | 3 |
Vermifax | 3 |
Yasha Zynneyu | 3 |
Fry_Guy | 3 |
FerretII | 3 |
LaneAtomic | 3 |
MPax | 3 |
Cowbelle | 3 |
SebastianDB | 3 |
Dakota Adymh | 3 |
Omategomatete | 3 |
xX0Leonidas0Xx | 3 |
Hiighway | 3 |
Gameslinx | 3 |
Roland IV | 3 |
Random_56 | 3 |
Raijiin | 3 |
MrAktilos | 3 |
xenocidic | 3 |
Spacedbee | 3 |
mistermonr0e | 3 |
McZealot | 3 |
Toto0o0o0o | 3 |
KA_Gamer | 3 |
Jynessa Loraeyn | 3 |
Jacknife | 3 |
Hamalot | 3 |
Kaiser NA | 3 |
Blackixo | 3 |
Star-Lord_Prime | 3 |
Fallouttec | 3 |
Austin Noyes | 3 |
LetsGeiloLp | 3 |
Bi1lyB0b5k1 | 3 |
Stealthypancake | 3 |
Stephen Boyd | 3 |
Kapton | 3 |
Lt. McCarthy | 3 |
Minscer | 3 |
Cw3040 | 3 |
Thornholt | 3 |
Donalbane | 3 |
Tekgiant | 3 |
ReeP3X | 3 |
Ropefish | 3 |
Spanky G | 3 |
Kubuxu | 3 |
Ogono Zmey | 3 |
Liam Krylov | 3 |
Hexabear | 3 |
Manri | 3 |
Alphasus | 3 |
Bofhenator | 3 |
F1RacerDan | 3 |
Bl4ckbeard | 3 |
Saven Snow | 3 |
zioralsa | 3 |
N1PPER | 3 |
Saff Aiur | 3 |
Babel | 3 |
Ex0dus13 | 3 |
Max2884 | 3 |
MagicalShrimp2 | 3 |
cosporcos | 3 |
Beornfrið | 3 |
MechFett 1228 | 3 |
Rainon | 2 |
Hyperschooldropout | 2 |
Phisar | 2 |
KElgrath | 2 |
AceRimmer | 2 |
Ixanis | 2 |
Razorwire | 2 |
Holmainus | 2 |
Bryguy | 2 |
Azgoodaz | 2 |
PulsarShark | 2 |
Yogislav | 2 |
a mo55y rock | 2 |
Xatang | 2 |
Bleedingheart87 | 2 |
Noisy_ | 2 |
Fermdasius | 2 |
Hermes of 7th Heaven | 2 |
IsraelZulu | 2 |
PurplePenguin04 | 2 |
FroggyRibbits | 2 |
GoldenFowks | 2 |
Arron Luker | 2 |
XenonTheFox | 2 |
Lartza | 2 |
Imperator | 2 |
ChocoChops | 2 |
DerpyQat | 2 |
Mystery | 2 |
Mr Sparkles | 2 |
Riehl | 2 |
Haloring4hiigara | 2 |
_Space Cat | 2 |
Gimpus Khan | 2 |
KubeKing | 2 |
Tequila WOLF | 2 |
Sabian Fawkes | 2 |
Anulovlos | 2 |
Lynk101 | 2 |
COLossal Marlin | 2 |
FlyingWarfox | 2 |
Vireaux | 2 |
Danny244888 | 2 |
Kzasch | 2 |
Mathesar | 2 |
Feral Squirrel | 2 |
sodo | 2 |
Mat2596 | 2 |
Lepton Mailk | 2 |
TwistXS | 2 |
Ferra | 2 |
crazytaxzi | 2 |
TheOne Smith | 2 |
DeltronZero | 2 |
Yaodin | 2 |
CostlierExpert3 | 2 |
TheGoldenGhast | 2 |
sparks95 | 2 |
Bigskill | 2 |
Jakob Voraine | 2 |
AnsaCervicalis | 2 |
FoshingtonIV | 2 |
Janette Vasquez | 2 |
ultimate engineer | 2 |
TK-421994 | 2 |
jordanthurt | 2 |
Redguin | 2 |
JTandT | 2 |
Loganpup | 2 |
Richard Anderson | 2 |
ARCset | 2 |
CrazyMonky | 2 |
XIcingdeathX | 2 |
AvarenSW | 2 |
D4kir | 2 |
Alexander IV | 2 |
bobafett578 | 2 |
DoughnutSpanker | 2 |
Jason WOLFe | 2 |
Mikey D | 2 |
AuroraXerox | 2 |
PyroChicken | 2 |
Tinkerton | 1 |
SolMortuus | 1 |
Liquidmetal2003 | 1 |
Canine1 | 1 |
Ozma Lee | 1 |
Robert Shehan | 1 |
BossCreeper03 | 1 |
xxChask274xx | 1 |
FA Nelson | 1 |
leedslad001 | 1 |
Daphinicus | 1 |
TKBest2327 | 1 |
HowardHughes77 | 1 |
Heinrich Cain | 1 |
firebrand83 | 1 |
SpuddieS101 | 1 |
Gingernut | 1 |
Timeruler | 1 |
ForgottenAmnesia | 1 |
Jaymes Keller | 1 |
Tortxu13 | 1 |
atomicb0mb639 | 1 |
Mitch Gant | 1 |
Mossfoot | 1 |
SKM093 | 1 |
Dawnfyre | 1 |
Griffa | 1 |
Obi Juan | 1 |
Admiral Arcos | 1 |
Millstonebarn | 1 |
Germanfragger | 1 |
L33 | 1 |
MrOKiEDoki3 | 1 |
Yellow Tail | 1 |
Murishani | 1 |
Mid | 1 |
Caomhanach | 1 |
SYSopkc | 1 |
WololoW | 1 |
MVP Bluntman | 1 |
Therodein | 1 |
DarthKraken | 1 |
FBL07 | 1 |
Warptrooper | 1 |
Elias Styrom | 1 |
Raytheon | 1 |
Ceadeus Viktus | 1 |
Zephyr_One | 1 |
zachary98 | 1 |
Maverick524 | 1 |
Upgrayeddedd | 1 |
Mad Pinetree | 1 |
Jessica Stark | 1 |
Sam Ishum | 1 |
removerboy | 1 |
LocoBl0ck | 1 |
Kolkoki | 1 |
Elsarild | 1 |
DDRMANIAC007 | 1 |
Kerrash | 1 |
Backwood666 | 1 |
Sternmann | 1 |
SurfingNinjas | 1 |
May | 1 |
Fullhouse | 1 |
Jak3 | 1 |
Spaghettitime | 1 |
Mr Based Neon | 1 |
TTX170 | 1 |
LoSt | 1 |
Rathstar | 1 |
Boblit67 | 1 |
Nollas | 1 |
Oberstarzt Cornelius | 1 |
Suicidalhog | 1 |
Daft Hamster | 1 |
Spacedogrufus | 1 |
Andrei117 | 1 |
XOpticalGHOSTX | 1 |
Kadaire | 1 |
Sam Tai | 1 |
Thorrne | 1 |
GamesTheMonkey | 1 |
luke4964 | 1 |
GoRzA | 1 |
DjinxHawaii | 1 |
Gemini | 1 |
JaxMerrick | 1 |
Ishmair | 1 |
Niels Ruudson | 1 |
USMR Critical | 1 |
Nectar | 1 |
Prism Oso | 1 |
Vepr_Ace | 1 |
ThurnisH41ey | 1 |
RealTFU | 1 |
tjs2474 | 1 |
Allen Best | 1 |
Rune Alemar | 1 |
Schwiing | 1 |
FedericoDaniel | 1 |
OLA | 1 |
Smysha | 1 |
Sikeksis | 1 |
Ezicc | 1 |
Meyers Atavuli | 1 |
longhorn360 | 1 |
Blood__Drunk | 1 |
BlueFalcon | 1 |
DrCake | 1 |
Kosiru Vala | 1 |
srjek | 1 |
UrbnDisaster | 1 |
Joza | 1 |
HonkerCraft | 1 |
Zane Redstone | 1 |
TTMJ | 1 |
Yggdresil | 1 |
Vindicator Jones | 1 |
Holy Hitman | 1 |
Nukeboy | 1 |
Ottomic | 1 |
mitchbutter1210 | 1 |
StonedMexican16[XB1] | 1 |
Annabella Terra | 1 |
StormaggedonDLOA | 1 |
Thar Sheblows | 1 |
Phreedom | 1 |
apemanzilla | 1 |
Kronek | 1 |
NoLifeKing | 1 |
Kurochi | 1 |
Weirdiolio | 1 |
Andreas Septimus | 1 |
Sabax | 1 |
puddlemonster14 | 1 |
Milk Mustache | 1 |
Hooke | 1 |
ItsaYeti52 | 1 |
Spork Witch | 1 |
dietcoke | 1 |
Ashley Wilkinson | 1 |
Kaorix | 1 |
SC davros | 1 |
Ignatius Prindable | 1 |
Azazul | 1 |
seethingword | 1 |
Trezy | 1 |
latexroach | 1 |
Jacob Marshall | 1 |
Lalophobe | 1 |
Phoelix | 1 |
Estenian | 1 |
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