Ratty New Year 2017 Rattatoon Decal
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A Rattatoon version of the Fuel Rat decal / roundel, since Orange Sheets wondered whether I could do one for the Rats. Hope you like it!

Due to technical difficulties, this Rattatoon Thursday will be delayed by a week. Sorry for that.
You are a fantastic bunch, Rats!
Thank you and keep up the excellent and always ratty work. Special thanks to all who keep the Rat Cave running and untidy with Snickers wrappers, like xlexious, Absolver, Surly Badger, Orange Sheets, esxste, Father Cool, Termite, to only name a few of the many who deserve honour.
Keep on rollin` in 2017 and have a hydrogenic New Year!
EDIT: Here are two updated versions, I wasn’t satisfied with breaking the circle for stickers, yet didn’t want to pull back the Rat. Versions available upon request.
PVC versions have been produced by the Fuel Rats as well, go to their shop to get one (no royalties)!

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