-Black- Rat Holes. A Fuel Rats cartoon.
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Some time ago, the game had difficulty instancing players when dropping on their beacon. The Fuel Rats were one of the groups (if not the one) which supplied Frontier with extensive data to solve this technical issue. Today, Instancing is mostly not a big problem.
These Rattatoons turn out to have some sort of scrying quality. Last time, right after the Shame Rattatoon, a veteran Rat appeared at a rescue without limpets, for the first time in ages (or ever?) for him.
Now, just when I finished preparing the first step for this cartoon, I was caught in a very strange dc phenomenon.
These Rattatoons turn out to have some sort of scrying quality. Last time, right after the Shame Rattatoon, a veteran Rat appeared at a rescue without limpets, for the first time in ages (or ever?) for him.
Now, just when I finished preparing the first step for this cartoon, I was caught in a very strange dc phenomenon.

Right after rescuing a client and refilling my fuel tanks to hop back to base for restock, I disconnected at spooling up the jump drive. And appeared after re-login at the same place – but with a completely drained fuel tank. Only a little bit was left on the secondary, narrow gauge, just enough not to go Code Red.
So I raised the Ratsignal and let myself be served some juicy fuel by the same veteran Rat mentioned above. The rest of the night was pure dc hell all the way.
Well, we can be proud: The game itself now starts cheating to get us Rats to raise the Signal for ourselves! I don’t think many player groups can claim THAT for themselves.
Thanks to Rat esxste for stopping by!
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